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Important Instructions for Court Appearance 


The location of your court appearance is the Turner County Civic Center located at 354 Lamar Street, Ashburn, GA 31714. It is not at the Turner County Courthouse. General Directions from Interstate Hwy 75: 


From Interstate Highway 75, take Exit 82, Ashburn-Fitzgerald, GA- 107/GA-112, and turn west towards Ashburn, Georgia and visible food and gas businesses. (If travelling from other roads or highways, use the 1-75 information as a reference point). Pass by Zaxby's and McDonald's on your left. Immediately after Kentucky 

Fried Chicken and just before Walgreen's, turn left onto Randall H. Whiddon Drive, then continue on for two blocks past the intersections with Monroe Avenue and Madison Avenue, and the Turner County Civic Center building and parking lot will be on the right. The drive time from the 1-75 Exit to park at the Civic Center is less than fíve minutes. Park in any available spaces closest to the road, and do not park further in the parking lot than directly in front of the Civic Center. Also, do not park along the street in front of the building. 


Upon arrival, walk across the street directly in front of the Civic Center and parking lot on the walkway leading straight to the front doors of the Civic Center and check in with the Sheriff's deputy or other designated court official. You are specifically not permitted to go to any entrance nor around any other portion of the building nor adjacent buildings except the front door of the Civic Center. Always check in with the deputy or other designated court official, and as you otherwise may be instructed by the deputy or court bailiffs. Always stay at least six (6) feet, and more if possible, apart from all court officials and all other persons. Do not stand in any line of more than four (4) persons and maintain at least the stated distance from other persons. 


You have a specific scheduled court time shown on the first page attached to these instructions. It is very important for you to be on time. Individual court times for all cases are staggered throughout the day, and failure to arrive on time will result in your losing your place on the calendar until later in the day and disrupting court procedure. You should remain in your vehicle until 10 minutes prior to your scheduled court time to check in with the deputy or other designated court official. 


The court encourages that only the Defendant charged with the offense(s)be present to minimize the number of people so that social distancing can be followed. All persons who do not reside in the same residence shall at all times maintain social distancing of at least six (6) feet in compliance with CDC Guidelines. 


You must wear a facial mask covering your nose and mouth at all times while on the premises of the Civic Center, including outside areas, to be compliant with CDC Guidelines. You will be given instructions regarding your court appearance, which may include utilization of remote and other technology, which will be shown and explained to you. 


Defendants will be screened at the entrance and provided a facial mask covering if you do not have one. All persons will have their temperature taken by a non-contact thermometer and asked screening questions to determine potential exposure to Covid-19 as suggested by the CDC and Georgia Department of Public Health. All persons are encouraged to use hand sanitizer upon entering and leaving the premises. At all times upon the premises whether inside or outdoors, a minimum distance of six (6) feet between persons who do not live in the same household is required. 


Persons who have been diagnosed with Covid-19, or exposed to Covid-19 within the last 14 days, or meeting the criteria of a high-risk individual, shall not attempt to appear for court, but should contact the court prior to your hearing to arrange alternative arrangements. 


Each person who appears for court shall dress appropriately and otherwise act in compliance with the Order of the Superior Courts of the Tifton Judicial Circuit. 


In the event your cell phone may be needed for technology purposes in connection with your court appearance, you should bring your working cell phone or smart phone, but it must be kept on silent unless you are instructed otherwise by court officials.

How to dispose of a citation?

1.  To inquire of the fine amount please call, write, fax, or email: (All inquiries must include a citation number.)


P.O. Box 532
Ashburn, Georgia 31714-0532
(229) 567-0490
(229) 567-0496 (Fax)

2.  NO PERSONAL CHECKS OR BUSINESS CHECKS ACCEPTED.  If these forms of payment are received, they will be returned and the citation held as a non-payment.  Only cashier’s checks or money orders made payable to the State Court of Turner County will be accepted.  Payments are to be mailed to the address in #1 above.  NO PARTIAL PAYMENTS WILL BE ACCEPTED.

3.  Credit card payments are accepted by calling 1-866-339-0646 or  Please wait at least 10-21 days before calling or attempting to log on to the above website.

4.  When submitting payment, please include the yellow copy of the citation or the citation number.

5.  Payment is due within 45 days of the violation.  NO EXTENSIONS WILL BE GRANTED.

6.  If a receipt is needed, include a self-addressed stamped envelope with your payment.

7.  If you want to plead not guilty to your charge(s), you must make a written request for a court date within 45 days of the violation to the above address.  (You will receive a written notice to appear for Court.)

8.  Failure to comply with the above instructions may result in the suspension of your driver’s license.

9.  This statement is provided to you as a courtesy of the Court.  The procedures set forth are established by the State Court within this jurisdiction.

10.  Office hours are Monday-Friday from 8:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m.  Office is closed for lunch from 12:00 noon to 1:00 p.m.

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